Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Obama's debate performance: Missed opportunities

Obama and Romney both went over their "15 minutes" alloted talking time on earlier questions, so Lerher didn't get to cover all his taking points. With like 3 minutes left, the moderator said, "We've got limited time, but what will you do about partisan gridlock when you're president."

Romney's answer is easy "I got along with an 87% Democractic state legislature when I was governro, I can get along with Democrats in national Congress when President. In Massachusetts, I sat down with Democratic leaders every Monday and we worked on a collaborative basis."

Romney missed his previous opportunity to explain specifics, was Obama going to miss his opportunity to renew his pledge to bipartisanship?

Here is (the gist of) Obama's answer:

I've long said I'lll take ideas from anyone. (Specifics) That's how we cut taxes, and made trade deals and succeeded militarily. (Principles) 1. Have plan specifics, and 2. Be able to say "NO" to both sides.

I have said no to Republicans about Wall Street regulations and Obamacare. Romney has never said "NO" to his Republican supporters, he's taken whatever extreme positions the fringes of his party made him say.

Obama had a good "political" answer that won him points by pointing out his accomplishments (specifics) and his opponent's weakness (Romney's lack of principles).

But Obama had a BAD "persuasive" answer to people like me (who want reassurance that a vote for him will NOT equal more political gridlock.)

Specifics: Yeah, stuff got done, but things you listed: kind of small in comparison with that whole "deficit ceiling/fiscal cliff thing."

Principles: Good for you to not just cave in to everyone (which is why I'm probably voting for you over Romney. Romney knows the only way he can please everyone is not to say anything specific/offensive). But in addition to saying "No" you also have to say "Yes" to some things you wouldn't want to do otherwise. (Not that you'd admit doing such a thing in a debate, as that would "Cool down" your needed "Ardent support" amongst your base.)

Would it have killed you to say something like "While we've worked together in the past, (and inserting this phrase) AND I WILL TRY TO WORK WITH REPUBLUICANS MORE IN THE FUTURE (end my inserted phrase) it's important to say No to both sides....

With that phrase, you could have earned my vote. As it stand (barring unforseen political earthquakes) you are getting my vote by default (ie Who is Romney) and I know I'm getting at least "barely adequate" and hoping that A) Republican will soften since they can foil your next presidential run or B) you will make overtures to Republicans (not just steal their best ideas) maybe in your inaugeral/state of the union address?

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