Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Zingers: Obama beats Romney

My last post was about how Romney actually had a believable moment. This post is about Romney's awful zinger- attempts.
  • Trickle down government.This might catch on because Fox news is obliged to repeat Republican "cleverness." This might appeal to Republicans, but the phrase makes no sense normal people. (What, we'll have a lot of good government to big corporations, and that will eventually trickle down to good government for individuals?)

    Lehrer asked if Obama would like to respond to "trickle down government" and Obama (wisely) changed the topic to "Race to the top" and "close overseas loopholes. I don't think anyone will blame Obama for changing the topic/not responding to Lehrer, mostly because, there wasn't anything to respond to.

  • Economy tax. Right after Romney quoted Biden's "middle class is buried" (but alas, not saying anything specific that Obama did to contribute to the burying) he said that Obama effectively instituted an "economy tax."

    Er, a poor economy doesn't give more money to the government...

  • Energy production is up "in spite of politics" - it is because of private land use. Okay, but isn't this free-market - by not drilling on government property, it encourages private land to drill instead?

  • Deficit is a "moral issue." An attempt to unite his Evangelical with his business supporters. But increasing deficit is "immoral" if you're going to make all your kids pay back what you borrowed. Really, the kids are benefiting from the borrowing (ie no economy meltdown) as much as the old people.

  • You pick "winners and losers" and Obama ends up with just "losers" Presumably, like Solyndra, and ignoring GM. Not that GM is an unqualified win (at best it's a break even, with benefits for Ford via economies of scale.)
  • You're entitled to your own plane and your own house, but not your own facts This is the most AWFUL zinger attempt of the night. It's like Romney new he was running out of time, but hadn't tried enough zingers, so he threw this out.

  • I think Romney's best delivered joke was "Michele is probably very happy to spend her anniversery at this debate - very romantic isn't it." It made me smile. It was probably planned in advance, but at least it was well-delivered.

  • Obama's Zingers

  • Donald Trump is a "small business. Fox News will probably use this as "evidence" of Obama's "lack of respect for Romney" - but it does illustrate Obama's point, that the tope 3% of successful small business (that create 50% of the jobs) that will get their taxes increased, can afford to pay more in taxes.

  • Romney has ruled out revenue Probably not a planned zinger, what gives it sticking power is that Romney agreed to this statement. When you haven't put forward specifics, you can't rule out any potential solution contributers.

  • My grandmother (who helped raise me) worked all her life for her entitlement, and she's not "dependent." Ouch galore for Romney, the only (subtle) nod to Romney's 47% gaffe during the entire debate (that I remember) and which went unanswered by Romney. Conservative biased media will never mention this, and I suspect liberal biased media can mention this to "angle" for their candidate.

  • Romney: If you're over 60, you don't have to listen, because there's no change for current retirees. Obama: If you're 55, you might want to listen, because vouchers affect you. What makes this zinger effective is that it is a direct response to Romney - it had the "freshness" of unscriptedness that make debates different from everything else.

  • Obamacare means that if you have insurance, insurance companies can't jerk you around anymore. Okay, it's a lot informal/non-presidential, but it showed that Obama can relate to normal people colloquially.

  • Romney: Healthcare in Massachusetts was bipartisan, Obama care was rammed through Congress, entirely partisanly. Obama: Affordable care act is a "bipartisan idea" and Democrats can give advice to Republicans on how to cooperate. Negating Romney's point (and blaming gridlock on Republicans) - it's easy to be bipartisan if the other side is working with you :)

  • Why is Romney's plan secret? Is it because it is too good? Okay, I like this because it speaks to my own bias (and Romney had missed his chances to offer specifics.) This actually made me smile. I think most undecideds don't take notes during the debate like I do, and if there is one "memorable Obama moment" this is probably it.

  • I said I'm not a perfect person, and I wouldn't make a perfect persident. But I said I would fight every single day, and I promise I will fight every single day in a second term. This was Obama's closing statement, and not the zinger I wanted to hear. It will fire up his base, but I was hoping he would end by saying "I will keep trying to find a way to work with Congress" , instead I heard "I will keep trying to find a way to fight against Congress."

Obama's zingers (except for the depressing last one) all made a valid point, and some were immediately responsive to Romney (so they were extemporized, not canned.) Romney's seemed to be looking to sound clever, never mind if they were valid, and that is why Romney's zingers didn't work.

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