I've lamented Romney's "missed opportunities" for specifics in a previous post. (Which is why I'm probably voting for Obama in November.)
I will say Obama "Won" with the "who's speaking performance was better"
As I predicted, Romney was "aggressive" to make his supporters feel like he was "taking Obama to task" for the bad economy. Romney cited unemployment statistics and his oft quoted fake numbers (Obama cut 700 million from Medicare - which Ryan's plan also does...)
Romney's "style victory, Re: aggressision" is that he appeased his base without getting "emotionally belligerent." By attacking with rational numbers, Romney didn't seem mean, he did show his attitude could be presidential.
Romney did give off "fake televangelist" vibes during his debate "performance" (his opening/scripted statement: things are bad now story) - when he tries to show he cares - it just shows how bad he is when he's trying to show it.
For the first time though, Romney convinced me that he did care. Maybe it's because it's the first "extended Romney" I've seen. (Not counting his scripted RNC acceptance speech, or short sound bytes in the media, or his rehearsed stump speech.) And when he was extemporizing (ie not saying things combed over by his staff a billion times) he seemed more "real."
When Romney was faced with Lerher's "biparisan question" at the end, Romney knew this was an easy/softball for him. "I was a Republican governor with an 87% Democratic Congress, and it worked because both sides cared about America." I actually believed Romney wanted to make both sides of America better.
I think he didn't over-script this answer - if he lucked out and got this question, his answer is so easy, let's not worry about it too much - and since he didn't worry about it too much -- that's what made him believable.
So a month before elections, and I finally see a believable Romney moment. Now if only he had a good plan, I might actually vote for him.
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