Monday, September 17, 2012

My case against Romney:

With the economy, Obama left an opening for a good Republican candidate to become president. At first, Romney might have been that candidate. He has a good economic background, and (unlike Ross Perot) he also has governing experience in the executive branch.

The initial case against Romney wasn't convincing. "He's a millionaire who only wants to help other millionairs" is as much an obvious distortion as Obama's portrayal as a socialist who steals from the rich.

And his "gaffes" on his foreign trip? You have a pack of reporters following you for 24hrs, who are waiting for the slightest misstep - and we'll see how you do. If the only mistake I made was saying "London could use more security" - I'd think I was doing pretty well.

My case against Romney is his (conscious?) strategy of "ambiguity."

When he started, Romney knew that 60% of America disliked Obama. So if the 45% of Republican voters supported him (hey, they'd vote for any Republican presidential candidate), and over half the undecideds voted against Obama - he could win the election without having to say or do anything.

So Romney played conservative - if he doesn't say or do anything - there won't be anything said or done that would make him lose the election.

The problem is that just because 60% of America dislikes Obama, that doesn't mean that 60% will automatically vote for Romney.

Okay, some undecideds are that undiscerning, but not most of us. (At least, I hope so.) When we "decide" it's because we've thought things through.

And those of us who think things through don't like it when you try to manipulate us with "ambiguity."

Ultimiately, the reason I'm leaning away from Romney is that Obama is good (not great) and Romney is unknown. I would be surprised if/when Romney (finally) reveals his plan at the debates that it's going to be so obviously awesome that it will convince me to vote for him in a month.

If Romney's plan was that good, he would have unveiled it much earlier. Most likely, Romney's plan is going to be mixed. If Romney had revealed it (months) earlier, he could have learned what the voters thought of it, and tweaked it before the debates.

So Romney's plan had better be pretty darn good when it is finally unveiled - if it's a "rough draft" at the debates, my current "leaning towards Obama" will become a "vote yes for Obama."

Next time: What Obama and Romney need to do to earn my vote

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