Friday, September 21, 2012

Romney: Income Tax Release: I don't care.

Today, Romney released his 2011 income taxes.

Of course, he was unemployed in 2011, and he knew he was going to run in 2012, so he must have sterilized these 2011 returns to prep.

If Romney wants to win my trust, he should release his income taxes from say, 2002. His 2006 taxes would be just as sterile (since he had to know he'd run in 2008) but 2002? That's where we'd find the real/honest Mitt Romney and how he really files his taxes.

I get that Romney probably exploited a bunch of tax loopholes - which is what makes him most qualified to close them.

I do have a lingering concern that Romney...stretched... the law to pay less taxes in 2002. But if he didn't out and out cheat/lie, that'd be enough for me.

I doubt Romney out and out cheated/lied- he's just not releasing his 2002 returns because he wants to talk about something else.

But what else is he talking about? Not his actual plan for what he'll do when he's president - at least not yet.

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