So, Romney has been an...unideal...candidate. Why am I still hoping he will have a plan? Because I'm still hoping that there's something better than the (probable) political gridlock that will happen if Obama gets re-elected.
I doubt Romney will reveal a masterpiece of a plan though, so Obama will get my vote by default.
If Obama wants to EARN my vote (and not just get it by default): Here's what he needs to say:
"I know that Americans are frustrated with the gridlock in Congress. And I will address that in my second term with these three specific plans:
I will invite a Republican Congressmen to lunch once a week. I won't push my agenda, in fact, I'd rather not just get to know a Republican socially without politics. There's so much animosity between Democrats and Republicans because the only time we see each other is when it's time to fight over a law that one side wants passed and the other side opposes. This has led to divide and demonization, and as president, I want to do my part to heal this partisan separation.
Second, I will set up a "buddy program" for a Democratic freshman congressman and a Republican freshman congressman. I would encourage them to see each other socially, before their senior party members crystalize their hatred. If a Texas House Representative can meet with a Califrnian Senator at the start in friendship, maybe there will be hope of a bipartisan connection that won't get jaded by experience.
And third, I will set up a website of "bipartisan issues" that citizens can visit and email their representatives that they shouldn't hate this idea just because it was brought up by the other side.
So that is what I will do personally, what I will do to encourage lawmakers, and what I will do to encourage citizens. Also, if there are other ideas to encourage bipartisanship, I will do everything I can as president to implement it."
Of course, Obama probably isn't going to "fire up his Democratic base to go to the polls" if he's not absolutely hating Republicans in his debate appearance. (Which is another problem against bipartisanship.)
But maybe Obama could mention a sentence that he has ideas on how he will change Washington from the inside in his second term, and flesh them out in his inaugeral address.
And maybe to help Bipartisanship, Obama could say in his inaugeral address that he "knows that 49% of America votes for Romney, so I will also cut legislature's salary for underperforming, and eliminate government waste like the electoral college, and other parts of Romney's plan that Republicans support."
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