Romney - waffle leader
I was okay with Romney admitting that his strategy to win only 53% of the vote.
His (immediate) response was to double down: "What I said is true, just inelegantly stated." That's the sort of truth talk that wins over smart independents (such as moi) whom he wants to get him over 50%.
But (after criticisms) he changed his response so it's now: "Actually, I am for 100% of America."
That's one way to prevent (more) of the 45% of the "auto-Romney voters" from evaporating. But now he just looks like a waffler to the intellegent independents.
I'm beginning to suspect that the reason he hasn't unveiled specifics of his plan is because he's waiting for last minute polls to tell him what he needs to say to win. It doesn't matter what he actually believes in, or what he'll actually do when elected. It's like his startegy is "Tell me what you want to say, and I will say it to be your leader."
Which, ironically, is not what I think a leader should say.
Libya: Doubling down, and then not (again.)
So after the Libya tragedy, Romney's (immediate) response was "I'm disappointed that the Obama administration is apologizing." And then it turned out that Romney spoke before/after he knew what was really going on.
And then he "doubled-down" the next day: "Yes, I stand by my remarks, maybe the apology didn't come directly from Obama's mouth, but his officials are channeling Obama policy and that policy is "America will apologize."
And then the next, next day (after criticisms) he changed his response to: "Yeah, Libya was a tragedy."
Health care
After the primaries were (mostly over), Romney said: "I will repeal Obama care, as my first priority act in office."
During the RNC, Romney said "Amongst the things I will do to help small business is repeal Obamacare." (Literally, it's not a "headline" in his 5 talking points, it's a subheading under "help businesses.")
After the Democratic convention (and polls came in saying what parts people liked) Romney said: "Well, I wouldn't repeal ALL of Obamacare, I'll keep the parts that help people with pre-existing conditions."
And then at yesterday's Telemundo interview he said: "Obama says that my Romneycare plan from Massachusetts is the grandfather of Obamacare. It's not a compliment, but I'll take it."
Soooo, now Romney thinks his association with Obamacare is a good thing?
Call me crazy, but I want to know where a candidate stands on an issue like "healthcare" before I vote for him.
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