Obama - His Univision minuses
I voted for Obama in 2008, but I'm (still) hoping for a better candidate in 2012.
After Romney's Univision appearance, Obama got interviewed. He said he realized "You can't change Washington from the inside."
So why are you running for President? You admit you can't change the political gridlock, so like Eastwood (kinda) said: "Maybe it's time to step aside and give someone else a shot?"
When asked why Obama said he didn't pass immigration reform like he promised, Obama admitted, "Yeah, that's a regret. But it's not for lack of trying, or lack of desire."
I don't blame Obama for the economy. But I DO blame him for lack of trying and lack of desire. He decided "I can't change Washington from the inside." so he's not trying, and he doesn't want to change Washington anymore.
I voted for him because he envisioned a bipartisan presidential term, and now Obama (and Romney too) don't mention bipartisanship in their convention acceptance speech.
I'll revisit this critique in a future "Why I haven't decided for Obama" post. It's probably the one issue he (most) needs to address to get my vote.
EditInitial post said "Telemundo" but I changed it because it was channel Univision.
Also, Democratic bloggers claim that the quote (like previous mudslingers) is just taken out of context.
Obama really said: "You can't change Washington from the inside (that's why voters in Virginia/Florida need to turn out and support candidates.)
But the context doesn't alter my perception on this quote. Obama admitted that this was something he "learned" - ie, it's a change from his previous position in 2008:
2008 Obama: I will change Washington from the outside. If voters in Virginia/Florida need to turn out and support me, I will transform Washington!
2010 Obama: You can't change Washington from the inside. So voters in Virginia need to turn out and vote, because I can't transform Washington by myself.
So Obama is admitting: I have no plan to change Washington - I'm out of ideas - I need voters to change Congress for me.
That's why this quote bothers me. (Media liked "You didn't build that" and "I like to fire people" - because those are big and sexy. This problem is subtle, so the media doesn't care as much, but discerning swing voters are picking up on what the media does not.)
Edit again An explanation/defense is that "You can't change Washington from the inside" is a cliche, uttered thoughtlessly by everyone (even Romney, in 2008 primary debates.)
Maybe Obama just rehashed what he's accustomed to saying in a campaign, not realizing that he's now inside Washington.
Unfortunately, Obama doubled down, saying "I can't change Washington inside by myself. I need voters outside Washington to support me.
This is the problem. I'll talk about it in "What Obama needs to do in the debates.
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