Obama's plan has "more stuff" than Romney. (The benefit of going after the RNC: If Romney says 5 things, Obama knows he just has to say 6 things!)
Also, there is an (unspoken) mechanism of how he's going to accomplish everything – just borrow money from China! So just like Romney has to persuade that what he's doing is right, Obama needs to persuade that what he wants to do is worth more debt.
- 1. Economy (Jobs, China, Small business – health care),
- 2. Energy
- 3. Education
- 4. Spending: (Tax cuts, Deficit, Military)
I. Jobs:
12 million new jobs should happen regardless.
Obama wants to “borrow money from China” to get 1 million new manufacturing jobs. This makes sense to build factories and stuff (since it helps the trade imbalance.) But, manufacture what? We'll never be competitive sewing clothes (we won't pay Americans $2/week to sew full-time.) or other low skilled work.
600,00 natural gas jobs. This sound reasonable.
And doubling exports by 2014. Exports of what?
II. Energy
Cutting net oil imports in half by 2020.
Reducing by 50% only sounds reasonable compared to Romney's reducing by 100%
But does this really solve the energy problem? If we make more gas in the USA, that doesn't make gas more cheap here than other places. (Since price of gas is global.)
What happened to alternative energy? I know Solyndra is a black eye, but does that mean Obama has "given up?"
III. Education:
Cut college tuition growth in half (by borrowing money from China.)
(And 2 million community college job training) Because there aren't enough unemployed people with college degrees.
100,000 math/science teachers. Because more crappy teachers will increase the quality of graduating students.
IV. Spending.
Deficit: Reduce it.
That's great, but how?
(This is the one thing Obama can't accomplish by borrowing money from China.)
Taxes: Steal from the rich, and redistribute to the poor. Except that stealing more from the rich is .001% of what we need.
So while there's "more stuff" from Obama than Romney, Obama still doesn't have a plan.
Saturday Night Live had an Obama parody, where Obama said the choice was "Either stick with someone who's barely adequate, or take your chances with the other guy."
Yeah, given two non-plans, I'm leaning towards Obama.
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