Saturday, September 29, 2012

Romney: What he should say in the debates

So I've complained about Romney's "lack of a plan." The debates are coming up, and I've said I'm looking for specifics. Here's what he needs to say to get my vote.

"I've said that I am going to use my business experience to reduce wasteful goverment expense. And here's an example: When I take over a failing company, I make sure to tie executive earnings to the company's success. I pledge to tie the salary of lawmakers to the country's success. I will cut the salary of House and Senate members in half, saving taxpayers millions of dollars over the next 4 years. I will tie percent increases to "normal rates" when the public opinion of Congress is over 50% approval - if it's under 50% approval, there will be more salary cuts. They will also get paid less if they don't pass a balanced budget.

Since I lead by example, I will also cut the president's salary in half.

Obviously, these salary cuts account for 0.01% of what we need to cut, for the other 99.99%, see my campaign website where I will list item by item, what I will cut.

I've also said that I will deregulate government. So, I will remove the "human element" from the electoral college - after the election, we'll have an "auto" electoral vote - eliminating "faithless voters" and saving time that humans waste on a formality.

Again, this is 0.01% of wasted government time we need to eliminate. On my website, there's the other 99.99% of what else I will eliminate as president.

I've also said I will close tax loopholes. Currently, there is a loophole for pet giraffes. Normally, you pay $50 in giraffe taxes, but if you tie the giraffe to a parking meter, you only need to pay $25 in giraffe taxes.

I will eliminate this loophole, and on my website there are more extensive examples of loopholes that I will close.

Okay, I don't know much about tax loopholes, so the giraffe example is a joke. (The first two examples are not though.) I doubt Romney will be able to explain his plan fully during a debate. It would be good if he had 3 big examples and then point citizens to a resource if we want to learn all the cuts/deregulations/loopholes that will be eliminated.

Unless I know Romney's plan, I will not be voting for him in November. At least with Obama, I know what I'm getting. I'm not going to vote for Romney and here during his inaugural address: "Surpise, I'm going to cut home mortgage interest rate deductions!"

So Romney, I'm hoping you have a plan.

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